

Gerhard Schubert GmbH

Schubert inoculates its employees against the Corona virus

A vaccination campaign against the Corona virus was held last Saturday, 12 June, where, thanks to somewhat more relaxed Corona regulations, schnitzels will soon be on the menu again and employees will be able to enjoy chats with colleagues over a coffee. The canteen at Gerhard Schubert GmbH’s headquarters in Crailsheim was transformed into a vaccination centre. A total of 230 of the packaging machine manufacturer’s employees have now received their first “pinprick” there.

The vaccination campaign was a logistical masterstroke

A successful start

Schubert’s company physician, Dr Winfried Imminger, was able to source sufficient vaccines. More than two-thirds of the packaging machine manufacturer’s employees who were still unvaccinated and agreed to be vaccinated were able to receive their initial vaccination on Saturday. An internal list determines who gets a vaccination dose first. Dr Imminger explains: “Employees who travel a lot for work or cannot work from their home office are first in line. However, further dates are being planned. Our firm goal is to have all willing Schubert employees receiving their first Corona vaccination by the end of June.”

A logistical masterpiece

The vaccination campaign is a logistical challenge for the family business from Crailsheim. In the canteen, where the Hägele Catering company has been cooking for employees since the 1990s, there were open vaccination booths on Saturday. Tables and chairs had to be cleared out for this purpose. Dr Imminger, his medical team, supported by many volunteers from the Schubert workforce, and Daniel Fritsche, Schubert’s occupational safety expert, ensured that everything ran smoothly and that the project complied with strict, Corona-compliant hygienic standards throughout the vaccination period.

Norbert Fath, head of Human Resources and coordinator of the company’s response since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, is pleased with the successful start of the vaccination campaign: “We are all going through a difficult time right now. We are very pleased to be able to work with Dr Imminger to give our employees a little bit of safety thanks to vaccination.”

Over 2/3 of the still unvaccinated and vaccine-ready staff were able to get their first vaccination.

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Artworks and art objects from circa 1960 onwards

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