


Mission Blue – Schubert’s sustainability initiative

The climate is everyone’s concern! This is why we at Schubert are taking the lead – with our Mission Blue sustainability initiative.

When environmental values create a new global identity, we’re there. When the packaging industry opts for an intelligent, functioning circular economy to achieve stringent climate targets, we’re on board. This is exactly what our Mission Blue stands for. We are committed to acting as a sustainable company with sustainable machines – and as a development partner for sustainable packaging. With a deeply embedded respect for people and the environment.

How are we bringing this vision to life? Find out more here beginning on 25 May 2022!

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Schubert experts Laura Gascho and Michael Graf look at newly developed and sustainable packaging solutions.

Packaging Perspectives – Sustainable packaging from the word go

Sustainable packaging begins long before automation kicks in: Automated packaging processes can only be efficient and cost-effective if the recycling package and the machine itself are perfectly matched to each other. This is the target Schubert has set for itself with its new “Packaging Perspectives” program: Through consulting, packaging development and research, the technology leader aims to actively support its customers on their sustainable journey into the future.


Mission blue sustainability strategy drives growth

Roughly five months have passed since packaging machine manufacturer Schubert presented its Mission Blue sustainability strategy to the public. But years before that, the company had already initiated high investments in sustainability and forward-looking restructuring. Now the changes are beginning to reveal their economic potential.
